Hello, I’m Sarah, a herbalist in Cornwall, South West England.
Knowledge of local plants and how they are used to support our health is being forgotten very quickly. In fact, it’s been said it takes just one generation for local traditional knowledge to be lost. In the blink of an eye, an ancient part of our culture is eradicated from memory. That’s why I want to share my methods for medicine-making, guides for fool proof plant identification, heirloom recipes, herbal folklore, DIY herb projects, pictures of Cornish woodland walks and seasonal finds with YOU. My hope is you’ll join me in becoming a guardian of nature’s precious medicines, and keep the old ways alive and well. I want to pass this knowledge on to you, so you can share it with your own families and communities.
My journal is an eclectic blend of herblore, practical medicine-making tutorials, woodland finds, heirloom remedies and a bit of local Cornish history thrown into the pot for good measure.
If you’re the sort of person who has a yearning to know which plants make bruises better, or the precise method for turning garden roses into heady perfume, you’re in the right place.
Why subscribe?
It’s only in the last few thousand years that writing has been available, and then only to a small percentage of the world’s population. As such, much herbal knowledge has been passed down through the oral tradition - often in the form of family recipes and anecdotes. As I might have already mentioned, this knowledge is rapidly being lost or forgotten.
I want to record these valuable resources so that people can once again bring herbs into their homes and have first hand experience of the power of plants to heal. Researching and writing about ways to bring this practice back into our everyday lives isn’t a paid job, but it IS my vocation.
A subscription gives you access to herbal content that can’t easily be found online or in many of the popular “off the shelf” herb books. (This is especially true when it comes to the recording of recipes and herbal tales that are mostly passed on in the form of stories.) Reader support gives me space to research and write about the following topics - which in turn, I'll share with you.
Things like:
Information about forgotten plants & their historical uses
Cornish herblore
Heirloom recipes & traditional medicine making skills
Self sufficient herbalism
Discussions on herb related articles found in rare books and out of print magazines
Independent herbal book reviews
For paid subscribers
Paid subscriptions are for folks who are drawn to take a deeper dive into the aspects of herbs and their medicinal legacy. A subscription gives you access to projects and short courses, which over time, will build up into a library of resources you can use to curate your own home herbal apothecary. These are practitioner curated, self-reliance resources which I hope will in some way go towards helping you treat yourself and your family.
This includes:
Apothecary workshops - (short courses or written versions of my “in person” medicine making classes) delivered in the form of email tutorials, long form discussions and the occasional video. (Including full access to my DIY Flower Essences Course.)
Subscriber-only medicine making tutorials & DIY home apothecary projects like this failproof method for making Lion’s Mane Tincture.
Discussions on herb related articles found in rare books and out of print magazines; including seasonal field guides like this one about Herb Robert.
Notes from the hundreds of workshops, talks and conferences I’ve both hosted & attended in my 13 years as a practicing herbalist
Detailed herbal protocols for specific health conditions like this one on the topic of herbs for anxiety and this one on Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
My entire back catalogue of archive posts
Please note: This is not the sort of subscription that requires you to do group things like attend Zoom meetings or constantly interact with notes. By nature I’m something of an introvert, and although I sometimes share video content, I find that a personal connection is much more my style. In this regard, paid subscribers should think of me as a sort of “herbal pen pal” with whom they can reach out for advice on home medicine making conundrums. In a world where Google doesn’t always have the answers, and the threat of AI takes away any nuance of the old herbal ways - I feel this is where my paid subscription offers really good value for money.
Founding members
By way of special thanks for your patronage, founding members will also receive a 20% discount on all of my products and services.
This includes:
In person workshops and consultations
Iridology training courses and workbooks
Custom made prescriptions
Foraging walks
Online trainings
My range of sausage tree products
I want you to remember how utterly amazing plants are. It really is in all of us to draw on this innate knowledge and keep it alive for future generations.
Let’s make medicine together!
I qualified as a herbalist from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London in 2009 and am a member of the Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners. I’ve been working as a clinical practitioner for the last 15 years, during which time I’ve had the pleasure of teaching workshops on a wide array of topics from DIY botanical drinks, to making flower essences.
I’m currently studying five-element acupuncture (you can follow that story for free here,) as well as training to become a Lowland Walk Leader.
Of course I also I forage for, and grow my own medicinal herbs. I’ve also written a book….
This work is my way of actively preserving the herbal heritage I’ve been gifted, and showcasing the beautiful Cornish countryside.
Thank you for your support and for walking with me on this twisty, turny path through the woods.